Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Here's What Boxing Taught This Little-Business Owner About More Details Entrepreneurship.

This is part of the Moving "forward" series offering advice to small "Business" owners on technology, "Mentorship", productivity, and growth. "Moving Forward" is sponsored by Ink from Chase. More posts in Details See More

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Four Great Stories About Bill Gates That Show What It Was REALLY Like To Work With Him

 Four  Top Great Stories About Bill Gates That Show What It Was REALLY Like To Work With Him.  

Microsoft cofounder and world's richest man Bill Gates is universally revered today as one of the greatest philanthropists.But it wasn't always that way.
Gates' public persona has undergone a huge transformation in the 39 years that Microsoft has been around. At first he was known as a brilliant-but-obnoxious technical wiz kid. Then as a brilliant but bad-tempered CEO. Then as a ruthless businessman taken down by the Department of Justice. Then as a visionary technologist subject to occasional email tantrums while keeping watch over then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
And only after all that did he become a full-time philanthropist helping save the world's children from polio, malaria, poverty, and bad education.
So it's not surprising that over the years, Microsoft employees and others who knew him in the early days have a lot of stories about him, as a recent thread on Quora proved.
Here are the best responses:
From Brad Silverberg, SVP at Microsoft 1990-1999:
Shortly after I had joined Microsoft in 1990, Bill, I, and a few others on the Windows team were flying to NY from Seattle for some customer meetings. This was shortly after the launch of Windows 3.0. Though this was almost 25 years ago, Microsoft was a public, prosperous company. Yet, company policy was that everyone flew coach. And there was Bill, sitting in coach, in a middle seat. It didn't matter to him; he spent the whole flight reading. He wasn't as universally recognized then so it wasn't such an issue for him to fly commercial.
It made a big impression on me, a new Microsoft employee, seeing Bill lead by example.

BillGates on the cover of Time, 1984
Ben Rodda shared a story on the Quora thread from a 2006 blog by Joel Spolsky.
Spolsky worked at Microsoft from 1991-1993, when the company had a mere 5,000 employees. (It has about 110,000 employees today.)
He was redesigning a feature in Excel called Macros that allowed people to write programs for Excel. He created something called Excel Basic, which eventually became the popular programming language Visual Basic.
more expenssive explained:
"In those days we used to have these things called BillG reviews. Basically every major important feature got reviewed by Bill Gates. ....
In my BillG review meeting ... a person who came along from my team whose whole job during the meeting was to keep an accurate count of how many times Bill said the F word. The lower the f***-count, the better.
"Four," announced the f*** counter, and everyone said, "wow, that's the lowest I can remember. Bill is getting mellow in his old age." He was, you know, 36.
Later I had it explained to me. "Bill doesn't really want to review your spec, he just wants to make sure you've got it under control. His standard M.O. is to ask harder and harder questions until you admit that you don't know, and then he can yell at you for being unprepared. Nobody was really sure what happens if you answer the hardest question he can come up with because it's never happened before.
... It was a good point. Bill Gates was amazingly technical. ... He didn't meddle in software if he trusted the people who were working on it, but you couldn't bullsh** him for a minute because he was a programmer. A real, actual, programmer.
Famed Microsoft blogger Mary Jo Foley has interviewed Bill Gates about five times so far in her career, including an early interview done with her then boss and editor John Dodge, when they worked for PC Week.
During the interview, Gates locked himself in the bathroom. She told the story on a Webcast interview last month for the Laptop show triangulation.
"It's a funny story. I was doing an interview at him at Comdex [a huge computer conference back in the day] with a couple of other journalists, we were working together from PC Week. John Dodge was there, too. John's interview style is very different from mine. He's one of the best bosses I've ever had but his style is to egg people on. He was really needling Gates. It was about something stupid, like the definition of a market.
Gates was getting madder and madder. He got up, went into the bathroom and wouldn't come out. He said, 'I'm not coming out until John apologizes.' So John went to the door and said, 'I'm sorry.' Then he came out.
 There was a different Bill Gates back then. Bill Gates really changed once he had kids. He used to be a typical bold, tech personality. Then he became human. So when I tell people these stories about him in the old days, people are like, 'Bill Gates? Really?'
Bill Gates during his Reddit AMA
How human has Gates become? One of our favorite Bill Gates stories shows that. It's one he told himself during anask me www.raghurajcashcode.com
Redditor briannnf asked him:
"I'd just like to know, what is something you enjoy doing that you think no one would expect from you?"
Bill Gates: I do the dishes every night - other people volunteer but I like the way I do it.note:this is original post link herehttp://tinyurl.com/scdb1854

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

जरूरत से ज्‍यादा खाने की वजह से हुई दुनिया के सबसे मोटे व्यक्ति रिकी नापुती की मौत.

 जरूरत से ज्‍यादा खाने की वजह से हुई दुनिया के सबसे मोटे व्यक्ति रिकी नापुती की मौत.

 Riki Naputi, जिसे दुनिया के सबसे मोटे व्‍यक्ति के रूप में जाना जाता था, जरूरत से ज्‍यादा खाने की आदत के कारण अब इस दुनिया में नहीं रहा. जिस वक्‍त रिकी की मौत हुई उस वक्‍त उसका वजन 400 किलोग्राम था और वह पिछले सात सालों से बिस्‍तर पर ही था.
रिकी की पत्‍नी चेरिल ने बताया कि वह अपने पति की देखभाल ठीक उसी प्रकार करती थी, जिस प्रकार किसी बच्‍चे की देखभाल की जाती है. रिकी और चेरिल गुआम में रहते थे जहां ब्रिस्‍बेन से हवाई यात्रा के जरिए चार घंटे में पहुंचा जा सकता है. गुआम एक ऐसा द्वीप है, जहां दुनिया के 10 सबसे मोटे लोगों में से 6 लोग रहते हैं.
चेरिल ने बताया कि जब वह रिकी से शादी कर रही थी, तो उसे पता था कि वह क्‍या करने जा रही है. एक टीवी चैनल की डाक्यूमेंट्री के दौरान बातचीत में चेरिल ने कहा कि जब रिकी ने उसे शादी के लिए प्रपोज किया तो उसे गर्व महसूस हो रहा था. रिकी को हर डॉक्‍टर यही सलाह देता था कि वह खाना कम करे और अपना वजन घटाए. इसके लिए मुझे काफी ध्‍यान देना था. मैंने काफी कोशिश की लेकिन खाना कम करने की आदत को कम नहीं कर सकी, क्‍योंकि मैं उसकी पत्‍नी थी और मैं ऐसा नहीं कर पा रही थी.
रिकी जब बिस्‍तर पर था तब चेरिल खाना खिलाने से लेकर उसके शरीर की गंदगी को साफ करने तक का पूरा काम करती थी.
  उसका वजन कम हो सके, इसके लिए सर्जरी भी की गई. मोटापा कम नहीं होने के कारण वह अवसाद की चपेट में आ गया था. वह गैस्‍ट्रीक सर्जरी के लिए टेक्‍सास में एक महिला एंजी फ्लोर्स के पास भी गया था, जहां उसका वजन 80 किलोग्राम तक घटा था.
सर्जरी के कारण उसका पेट 80 फीसदी तक कम हुआ, लेकिन वजन कम होने में काफी फायदा नहीं हुआ. उसके पहले डॉक्‍टर डक वुआंग ने कहा था कि रिकी को किसी भी सर्जरी से पहले वजन कम करने की जरूरत है. इसके लिए उसे जरूरत से ज्‍यादा खाने की आदत को कम करना था. चेरिल उसे खाना कम खाने में मदद करती थी, लेकिन वो ऐसा बहुत देर तक नहीं कर सकती थी. जब डॉक्‍टर वुआंग ने दोबारा उसकी जांच की तब भी यही बात कही कि जब तक रिकी अपना वजन कम नहीं कर लेता, वह उसकी कोई सर्जरी नहीं कर सकते.
विश्‍व के जानेमाने मोटापा के सर्जन जॉर्ज हॉपकिंस गुआम के दौरे पर गए थे तब उन्‍होंने भी रिकी की हालत में कोई सुधार नहीं देखा था. उसका वजन कम नहीं हुआ था. अंत में रिकी और चेरिल की शादी भी टूट गई. उसके बाद रिकी कुछ गोलियां लेने लगा, जिसके बाद उसकी सांसे रुक गईं और 39 साल की उम्र में रिकी की मौत हो गई.और भी..www.raghurajcashcode.comSEE MORE